Sotelma Project


By connecting the new optical fiber to the existing fiber we set up a secure ring topology
By installing STM-64 we offer an increased bandwidth to the telecommunications network of SOTELMA
It is about transforming the multiple proprietary conduit networks into a single network of shared conduits to make it more useful and extended to a number of services that nowadays simply do not exist.
It is a question of optimizing the investment costs of this new network of infrastructures which could allow the companies of telephones, energy, water distribution, etc .. to minimize their costs in this network to cover all the city ​​of Bamako and its suburbs.
The initial network of the sotelma:


  • Work performed: Optical fiber pull in ducts (34,300km) Fusion of fiber terminations at connection points (12 sites) Installation of CISCO SDH equipment and energy at 11 sites.

  • SOTELMA Operational Network